- Open COIN and make sure you're logged in to the correct account.
- Select the button on the bottom left of your screen with the orange box and parachute.
- Select how much COIN you want to Geodrop. Slide the slider from the left to the right to increase the amount.
- You can select where you want to Geodrop your COIN. Current will Geodrop the COIN where you're at right now. Any will Geodrop the COIN on a random tile anywhere in the world.
- If you want to Geodrop your COIN to someone specific, enter the email address associated with their COIN account under Restrict to Email.
- If you want to add a comment on your Geodrop, enter a note under Note.
- Select CANCEL if you change your mind or DONE if you're ready to Geodrop.
- Make it rain!
If you would like to recall a geodrop, you may as long as it's still active and has not been collected. Simply tap the button underneath the orange Geodrop icon on the bottom left of your COIN App home page, select the drop you wish to recall, and select RECALL DROP.
Important: Don't count on being able to recall a public Geodrop! Only Geodrop if you don't mind losing the COIN you Geodrop.
If you wish to view your history of Geoclaiming, Geodropping, and Geomining, visit here: my.coinapp.co