Once you have collected enough COIN, you can choose to keep it in the app, or you can Redeem it for XYO once the minimum amount of COIN is reached. XYO can be stored in a Coinbase account or an external wallet.
You can also trade your COIN for Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), or even physical items like COIN T-shirts or collectible items.
If you redeem your COIN for crypto, you can choose to HODL (Hold) your crypto or even trade it whenever you like. Please be sure to read up on how to use crypto exchanges properly, as one mistake can cost you all of your tokens! COIN is not responsible for any lost crypto. See our Kucoin Minumum Deposit Warning
When redeeming COIN for digital assets to Coinbase, the minimum Redeemed amount is 10,000 COIN. You can view the Redeem process and all requirements for a request here: How to Redeem
Making a Wallet for the First Time
If you are making a wallet for the first time, we recommend using a Coinbase Account! Alternatively, if you are looking to start a private ERC-20 wallet; check out "Trust Mobile Wallet" or "MetaMask". Both wallets are "ERC-20" compatible (learn more about ERC-20 Tokens here), and have a very well-documented help center.
"Trust" is a mobile wallet app, which means you can view your XYO Tokens on your phone! If you're more of a computer person, "MetaMask" is a great option, because it means you can view XYO Tokens on your laptop or desktop computer.
This means that even people who are very new to blockchain and tokens can read up, and have a good support team to answer questions.
Download Trust Wallet: https://trustwallet.com/ethereum-wallet
Download MetaMask Extension: https://metamask.io/
Additional Assistance
If you're looking for more details on how to set up your new Trust or MetaMask Wallet, make sure you check their help documentation!
Trust Wallet Help: https://help.trustwallet.com/hc/en-us
MetaMask Wallet Help: https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us