NOTE: Apple does not sponsor the contest of Geoclaiming.
Rules in short:
1) Geoclaiming campaigns run from Monday-Sunday (UTC).
2) Geoclaim area sizes and spend minimums can change each campaign.
3) Geoclaim areas are owned pro-rata by the users that spend COIN in them.
4) Ownership of Geoclaim areas resets at the beginning of each campaign.
5) Each time a user Geomines in a Geoclaimed area, 10% of their rewards go
to one of the owners (randomly chosen based on their ownership
6) COIN spent to Geoclaim is not returned at the end of the campaign.
7) All rewards received from Geoclaiming are sent to users in geodrops within 24 hours of the campaign's end.
8) Users with premium accounts have additional features in the Geoclaiming contest that improve their ability to play the game
9) There is a maximum of 25 areas you may Geoclaim per campaign and a maximum of 600 Geoclaims per area per campaign (Geoclaim limits are subject to change and are updated periodically to keep the game competitive for all account types.)
Have fun and tell us where you have Geoclaimed on Facebook and Instagram!