If you're using the COIN App, Geomining is the act of excavating valuable digital items or assets from a real, physical space. COIN is one of the first apps that allows you to travel in the physical world, and collect digital assets that can be transferred, redeemed, and stored in external wallets.
With the COIN App, you can Geomine as you go about your day, and earn COIN from the world around you! When you click the pickaxe button in the app, you're confirming your location and sharing that with the XYO Network. In exchange for that valuable data, you receive an amount of COIN. Sometimes this amount can be HUGE, and it's also 12x larger if you have a SentinelX with you as you travel.
Note: Rewards, as described above, are for freshly Geomined tiles only. Remines (when a tile has already been recently Geomined by another user) are worth significantly fewer rewards. Geomining bonuses and boosts only apply to fresh tile Geomines, not Remines. Remines are Geomines on a previously Geomined tile that hasn't cleared yet, which shows up as a grey tile on the COIN map. Remines are worth the minimum amount which is 0.01 COIN (0.001 in some countries) for all account types. Remines do not get any bonuses from subscriptions, SentinelX, Home Base, Team Lift, etc. Please note that clearing a tile with a minigame and then Geomining is not a Remine. Clearing a tile with a minigame or waiting for it to naturally clear between 1-3 minutes, will allow you to do fresh Geomines.
If you are eager to earn more COIN for your data, we offer alternative COIN plans as well!
Happy Geomining! ⛏