At a Glance:
- How do I turn Home Base on?
- What is the boost?
- Does it ever reset?
- How do I turn Home Base off?
- Can I make sure I don't accidentally lose Home Base?
You can create a Home Base by Geomining the same tile three times in a row. When you Geomine within your Home Base you will earn at least a 1% boost to Geomining and for each consecutive hour you are in it, you will add an additional 1% to this Geomining boost (up to 10%). Premium subscribers earn 10x this amount!
How do I turn Home Base on?
A Home Base is created after Geomining the same tile three times in a row.
This tile will be the center of your new Home Base. The 8 surrounding tiles will become the plot of land that is your Home Base. This will be shown in a blue outline on your screen. An icon will appear to also indicate your Home Base is active.
Geomines are hidden from other users while in a Home Base.
What is the Home Base Boost?
When you establish your Home Base, you'll receive a 1% bonus (10% for Premium users) on your Geomining Rewards. Each hour afterward, the boost will increase by 1% (10% for Premium Users). The boost will cap at 10% (100% for Premium users) or after 9 hours.
Does it ever reset?
Yes, a Home Base will reset every 24 hours.
Please note you must build the Home Base again after it resets.
If a Geomine occurs outside of your Home Base, the bonus resets. Enable Turn on Home Base Shield to prevent this loss. You can see how to do that in this article: How to Lock Home Base
Tap the Blue House icon in the top left corner of the COIN app once your Home Base is established to open this page.
Check Bonus Mins to see how many minutes it takes to increase your Home Base Bonus. Having a BridgeX detected nearby will 5x the Bonus Mins timer and 5x the Expire Days.
The reset time for Home Base is subject to change.
How do I turn Home Base off?
If you decide you want to leave your Home Base, turn off Auto Explore and turn it back on when you are outside of your Home Base blue square. Keep in mind your bonus will also reset since you are leaving your Home Base.
Can I make sure I don't accidentally lose Home Base?
You can tap the Turn on Home Base Shield option after tapping the Home Base icon on the left side of the app. This will prevent you from losing your bonus if you happen to move out of your blue square due to GPS drift. Another way to lock your Home Base with the Home Base Shield is by activating the Auto Explore button needs to be activated inside your Home Base. This will suppress any Geomines that may happen outside the base (due to GPS drift).