If your account is currently at the basic level when you recently made a purchase for a COIN subscription, here are a couple of troubleshooting options:
COIN Subscription purchased from Google Play:
Try "Restore Purchases" as a first troubleshooting step. If this does not work, a broken subscription from Google Play can only be resolved by a refund. We advise users to purchase subscriptions on the COIN website instead of Google Play to avoid this problem often faced by users. Please reach out to us for help!
COIN Subscription purchased from Apple iTunes:
The common fix for this is the Restore Purchases button.
Here are some instructions for how to Restore Purchases.
Open the COIN App and:
1. Tap the icon in the top left of your screen. This will take you to your account information page.
2. Tap "Settings"
3. Tap "Restore Purchases"
If this does not work, we ask users to contact Apple Support for a refund of that subscription. COIN does not have the power to refund Apple payments, or even cancel a subscription or contact support on your behalf. Apple only works directly with customers.
COIN Subscription purchased from COIN Website:
1. Make sure your COIN account is the same email as the one used at the time of checkout of the subscription. The purchase email must match the COIN account email.
2. Login with the same email that purchased the COIN subscription in the COIN app at my.coinapp.co
3. Log out of COIN And log back in to refresh your status.
If your subscription was hosted by our website, log into my.coinapp.co to refresh this status. Closing and reopening the app can refresh a status as well.
If this does not work, please reach out to us!
Note: if there is any other device that is using your Apple ID or Google Play account, this will cause issues with your subscription as only one device can be upgraded at a time.
Please ensure no other devices are using your App Store login, or COIN account login to prevent this from happening.