If you made a Redeem Request and it has not yet been processed, you may be able to cancel it in time.
You could want to cancel a Redeem Request due to a mistake in your receiving wallet address or Coinbase email, or maybe you want to hold onto your COIN until a later date.
How to cancel a Redeem Request
To cancel a Redeem Request before it has been fully processed:
- Tap your current COIN balance in the top middle of the COIN App Home page.
- Tap View COIN Redeem Options
- Tap Orders
- From here, you can see your most recent Redeem Requests. Highlight the Request by tapping it once and tap Cancel Request on the bottom right of the page.
Then you are all set! Feel free to redeem your COIN for something else or hold onto your COIN until a later date.
Please reach out to our support team right away if you are not able to cancel it on your own.
Making Changes on a Redemption Request
Once a redemption request is submitted within the COIN App, it is locked and cannot be modified. If you update your Redemption Information after submitting a request, these changes will not apply to the existing request.
To modify your redemption request before it’s processed, you’ll need to cancel the current request and submit a new one after updating your details.
If you need to change the Coinbase account or destination address on an active redemption request, cancel the existing request, update your information, and submit a new request. You will be asked to verify the Redemption Details via email in order to process the new Redemption Request.
If your Redeem Request was completed before you can cancel:
If your Redeem Request has already been completed before you can cancel it, please check the wallet to which you sent those tokens. If you do not see those tokens in your wallet, be sure to contact that wallet's support team for assistance with your transaction along with the transaction link to help locate the assets.