Quick Tips on how to protect your SentinelX NFC for the longest life possible!
Don't attach the NFC to the back of your Phone
To learn more about the SentinelX NFC, please see SentinelX NFC
While the SentinelX NFC does operate without a battery, there are some precautions to take note of for the longevity of your device.
Here are a few tips to get the most life out of your SentinelX NFC:
Don't Bend the Card
This can break the hardware inside and cease usability.
Overheat/Freeze warning
Don't let the SentinelX NFC card get too hot in the sun, as well as overexposure to freezing temperatures may damage the hardware inside.
Don't Attach the NFC to the back of your Phone
The SentinelX NFC is designed for periodic scans, and not constant activity or scanning. In order to maximize your SentinelX NFC’s internal NFC hardware and lifespan, do not constantly scan or use your NFC device. For example, do not attach your NFC to your phone inside of your phone case, or with a cardholder attached to the phone case. Wireless recharging stations can also fall into this category.
Keep these tips in mind when using your SentinelX NFC with the COIN App and you'll be golden!